Funding & Tenders Portal replaces Participant Portal

There’s a new Funding & Tenders Portal replacing the Participant Portal.  The Participant Portal was built at the beginning of Horizon 2020.  The scope was for the EU Research & Innovation Programme. However, as it’s use grew to other EU programmes, there was a need to re-brand the portal. The new portal will become a central point of access for most (all?) EU programmes, including tender and procurement contracts.

The question is, by having a portal with a much broader scope:  Will scientists be able to navigate the new portal efficiently?  In most software based projects a broader scope introduces more complexity.

Horizon Europe – The follow-up to Horizon 2020

The European Commission has published that Horizon Europe will be the follow-up programme to Horizon 2020. The plans are for a €100 billion research and innovation programme. Horizon Europe will start on 1 January 2021. In the next years this proposal by the European Commission will be worked out. Until then: Good luck with your Horizon 2020 proposals.
You can read more here:

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